Aurora Borealis in Tromsø the capital of northern Norway.

There are no polar bears in Tromsø … but only in Svalbard (staying in Norwegian territory).
I take you with me on a walk around Tromsø to hunt for the Aurora Borealis or Nordlys (in Norwegian) meaning “the lights of the North.”
The photo of the polar bear I took while loitering around the city center at -7 °C.
Do you want to know exclusive news?
-7 °C in Tromsø means feeling less cold than + 7 °C in the Pianura Padana where I grew up…because its DRY cold! Its the humidity that bothers.
What kills you here in Norway, however, is the “Nordavind,” the North Wind, straight from the North Pole.

It was a Sunday evening and this was one of the few stores still open.
Many stores are open downtown on Sunday.
My favorite is this one:

Technical clothing for the Arctic zone and the mountains… super cool.
In the end Aurora I didn`t see it because I went to bed.
Those who saw the Northern Lights made the wee hours of the night and took bus No. 33 (or Uber cab) to Telegrafbukta (The Telegraph Bay) about 3 km from the city center, at the southern tip of the island of Tormsøya where Tromsø city center is located.
With less light pollution from the city`s lights, Telegrafbukta–an area with a park, forest and beach–bids to be a favorite spot for Aurora hunters.
Arm yourself with patience and one of the many Aurora Apps.